7 research outputs found

    Improving Quality of Service Interaction Pattern Related Government, Tourism, and Society

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    Abstract. Indonesia is an archipelago country that has diverse cultures and plentiful natural resources. There is no denying that this gives a special attraction for local and international tourists to see and witness the event held on the unique culture that spread across regions in Indonesia. In addition to the typical Indonesian cultural event, frequently an important event was also held in Indonesia, both events at regional, national, to international. Event held in Indonesia is also very diverse, such as musical performances, sports, cultural tourism, education, and others. There is a fundamental problem that the pattern of interaction between the government, tourists, and society not yet optimal and this study attempts to explore patterns of interaction between the government, tourists and society; obstacles encountered related patterns of interaction between the government, tourists and society; as well as how to improve the quality of tourism services. The methodology used in conducting this study is to collect data from the literature with a qualitative approach (case study in Lombok Tourism). After discovered the pattern of interaction and how improve the quality of service, the next step will be adopted the concept of social media interaction engineering considerations in the digital age that utilize social media among government, tourists, and society. Keywords : Interaction Pattern; Management, Quality of Service

    Analisis Financial Distress dengan Menggunakan Metode Altman , Ohlson, Dan Fulmer Untuk Memprediksi Kebangkrutan Serta Kesesuaian Dengan Opini Auditor

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    Financial di stress  adalah situasi dimana suatu perusahaan menghadapi masalah  kesulitan keuangan yang dapat berdampak kebangkrutan.  Penelitian ini membahas  tentang kondisi keuangan perusahaan dan kesesuaiannya dengan opini auditor. Jenis  penelitian ini adalah  deskriptif komparatif. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah  perusahaan sektor pertambangan batu bara yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia  tahun 2009 - 2014. Dalam menganalisis kondisi keuangan , penelitian ini memakai tiga  metode prediksi yaitu Metode Altman , Ohlson dan Fulmer. Hasil penelitian  menunjukan bahwa menurut metode Altman  terdapat enam perusahaan yang  mengalami  financial distress . Sedangkan menurut Ohlson semua perusahaan  pertambangan batu bara dalam kondisi  safe zone . Lain halnya dengan  metode  Ful mer  yang mengindikasikan ada sembilan perusahaan yang mengalami kebangkrutan. Dari  ketiga metode tersebut, metode Ohlson memiliki tingkat kesesuaian terhadap opini  auditor tertinggi yaitu 98%, sedangkan Altman sebesar 50% dan Fulmer 42%


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    Sektor pertanian merupakan sektor utama yang terdaftar dalam Bursa EfekIndonesia (BEI). Kondisi ekonomi Indonesia yang sedang lesu memberikandampak terhadap kinerja perusahaan di sektor pertanian, dibuktikan denganmenurunnya konstribusi sektor pertanian terhadap PDB Indonesia danmenurunnya indeks saham sektor pertanian. Kondisi tersebut dikhawatirkanakan mendorong perusahaan di sektor pertanian kepada kebangkrutan,sehingga diperlukan adanya early warning bagi perusahaan agar dapatmengantisipasi kemungkinan yang akan terjadi dengan menggunakan modelprediksi kebangkrutan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan empat model prediksikebangkrutan, yaitu model Altman, Springate, Ohlson, dan Grover sebagaiprediktor terbaik dalam menganalisis kebangkrutan pada perusahaan di sektorpertanian yang terdaftar di BEI periode 2011-2015.Jenis penelitian dilakukan dengan cara deskriptif verifikatif. Populasi yangdigunakan adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di sektor pertanian yang terdaftardi BEI periode 2011-2015. Teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu menggunakanmetode non-probality sampling dengan pendekatan purposive sampling dandidapatkan 14 perusahaan untuk dijadikan sampel penelitian. Uji hipotesisdilakukan dengan menggunakan paired t-test dan tingkat kesesuaian. Hasilanalisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara beberapa modelprediksi dan model prediksi terbaik adalah model Grover dengan tingkatkesesuaian sebesar 82,86%

    An evaluation of E7 countries' sustainable energy investments: A decision-making approach with spherical fuzzy sets

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    The purpose of this study is to identify important strategies to increase sustainable energy investments in emerging economies. For this situation, first, four different indicators are selected according to the dimensions of the balanced scorecard technique. The weights of these items are computed by using Quantum Spherical fuzzy DEMATEL. In the second phase, emerging seven (E7) countries are ranked regarding the performance of sustainable energy investments. In this process, Quantum Spherical fuzzy TOPSIS is taken into consideration. The main contribution of this study is that prior factors can be defined for emerging economies to increase sustainable energy investments in a more effective way. Furthermore, a novel decision-making model is developed while integrating TOPSIS and DEMATEL with Quantum theory, Spherical fuzzy sets, facial expressions of the experts, and collaborative filtering. It is concluded that competition is the most significant factor for the performance of sustainable energy investments. In addition, the ranking results denote that China and Russia are the most successful emerging economies with respect to sustainable energy investments. It is strongly recommended that emerging countries should mainly consider benchmarking the capacity of energy hubs with the aim of increasing the capacity of ongoing energy plants

    The Effect Of Social Media Marketing Grab Medan On Brand Equity With E-Satisfaction And E-Loyalty As Intervening Variables

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    The purpose of this study was to find out how much influence social media marketing carried out by Grab Medan has on brand equity through e-satisfaction and e-loyalty. This research is included in quantitative research with data collection methods in the form of questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is the Structural Equation Model (SEM) using the SmartPLS program. The statistical test results show that Grab Medan's social media marketing has a positive and significant effect on Grab's brand equity. This means that marketing carried out by Grab Medan online on its Instagram account can influence or increase brand equity at Grab Medan. The better the marketing done by Grab Medan on its Instagram account, the brand equity of Grab Medan will increase or get better. However, the increase in brand equity is also influenced by e-satisfaction and e-loyalty. E-Loyalty has the greatest influence in increasing brand equity, satisfaction and convenience for consumers in obtaining information and good service from Grab can form high e-loyalty from its users. The effect of e-satisfaction can be seen from the ease of accessing information, a good experience when accessing information, and consumer interest in the content provided by Grab Medan which can increase the e-satisfaction of its users